Intern Update: Brooks Hanson

Intern, Brooks Hanson, working at his desk from home

Brooks Hanson

Analytics and Technology, College of Business, Influence, and Information Analysis

Livio Health -- Tech and Data Team Intern

Mission in Work

My name is Brooks Hanson, and I am currently a Junior studying Marketing and Data Analytics. This past summer, I got an internship working at Livio Health in Minneapolis, MN as a Technology and Data Intern, and I have been working there ever since. Livio Health is an innovative healthcare company that provides palliative services to chronically ill patients under the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota health plan. We serve our patients through coordinated teams of nurse practitioners, social workers, registered nurses, and care coordination specialists.

My role at Livio as a member of the Tech and Data team is to facilitate our practitioners’ work by developing, building, and supporting our competitive advantage in technology and data analytic systems. This body of work ranges from building dashboards that our providers use while caring for patients to building the back-end data architecture that our systems run on.

While I have learned more technical skills than I ever could have imagined, the most valuable thing that I have learned from Livio has been the importance of mission. Mission is that extra bit of motivation that fuels you to do your best work. Profit can be a mission, yes, but when that mission strikes you on a different level, it makes your work that much more rewarding. Getting to work every day not just for my gain, but for the gain of others has been the most valuable experience from my time at Livio.

